Al and Kathy Ritondo launched WedVidTalk in April of 2005. It was the first podcast for wedding and event videographers. The purpose was to understand and follow what was happening in the craft all around the country and the world! At one point we were being downloaded in 53 countries. The podcast ran for 5 years and launched several more on the Wedding and Event Videographers Association network.
The podcasts here are as they were presented on the website at the time. We learned as we went and the shows became more polished over time.
The podcasts here are as they were presented on the website at the time. We learned as we went and the shows became more polished over time.
WedVidTalk Archive
Podcast #01 - Our First Podcast!
21 min. - Our first podcast! Welcome as we discuss plans for the site and for the future. Come with us on a journey using a new technology!
Podcast #02 - Our Second Podcast!
32min. - WARNING! BORING! LOTS OF WIND! Our second podcast. Wedding Anniversary! Sound scene testing wireless mics and shopping for studio furniture.
Podcast #03 - Marleen and Bill Cafarelli
82min. - The excitement begins. First telephone interview with new phone gear! Marleen and Bill Cafarelli, professional wedding videographers from Sandy Hook, Connecticut (www.videoartworks.com ). We walk through a typical sales presentation with a potential bride. We discussion about the pro's and con's of working with your spouse, The state of HDV and equipment available.
Podcast #04 - Jodi Harris
51min. - In town for NAB, this is an Interview with Wedding Videographer Jodi Harris of Sight and Sound Events in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jodi takes Al on a tour of the studio, talks about what makes weddings in Las Vegas unique. They talk about the working with your spouse, Jodi’s husband is Pat Harris, her partner in life and business. Their business incorporates video, photography and entertainment. Jodi talks about the importance of networking.
Podcast #05 - Podcasting Explained
15min. - Podcasting Explained. Kathy and Al go deeper into what and how to understand and maximize the podcasting experience. Some horror stories with lessons learned. NABcast to follow.
Podcast #06 - Tim Smith
78 min - Tim Smith interviewed. Videographer from NYC. His website is: www.classicvideography.com. We discuss his proposal to his fiancé on TLC's "The Perfect Proposal." We discuss the all important business 5-year mark. We talk about the future of video and HDV. The importance of 'Shaking the Tree.' Also, we discuss the importance of a wedding videographer's personality.
Podcast #07 - Robert Allen Ehrlich - Pt.1
67 min. – Part 1 Interview with the legendary Robert Allen Ehrlich! Virgin voyage of our in-studio 3rd microphone! More information on Robert Allen Ehrlich can be found on his website at: www.robertallenvideo.com. We discuss his history in video, his discovery of the concept of the 30 Minute Edit, his creation of the Retrospective. We discuss non-linear in general, and his use of Canopus Edius.
Podcast #08 - Robert Allen Ehrlich - Pt.2
102 min,.– Part 2 of our in-studio discussion with Robert Allen Ehrlich of Livingston, New Jersey. www.robertallenvideo.com. We discuss his love of functional gadgets, especially his new phone, the Audiovox SMT 5600. Discussion of his re-election to the Presidency of the NJVA, tthe North Jersey Videographers Association at www.njva.org. Remembrance of the late President, Rich Aponte. We discuss the future of wedding videography, HD and HDV formats, and some final inspirational comments from the Master!
Podcast #09 - Eugene DiFrancesco
76 min. – Interview with Eugene DiFrancesco of Boston. His website is: www.eugeneworks.com. We discuss a business name change after 20 years. 3 tours as President of the National Professional Videographers Association., www.npva.org . He also shoots local commercials, training videos, and is hired often as a cinematographer/Lighting Director. Eugene’s shares his pet peeves and horror stories! Breaking the bonds of automatic features.
Podcast #10 - Richard Talmage
47min. – Interview with Richard Talmage of Cape Cod Massachusetts. His website is: www.talmagevideo.com . We discuss 16X9 videography, posing and styling. We also talk about websites to promote your business. Richard also runs www.weddingsoncapecod.com, and his new site/venture: www.talmageinternetpromotions.com, all to bring in income during the off seasons.
Podcast #11 - Gary Gellman - Pt.1
46min. - Gary Gellman of Gellman Images of Adelphia, New Jersey. www.gellmanimages.com. Conversation includes; This is a business not a hobby. Adding photography to your video business. High End/Celebrity weddings. Promoting your company. The importance of your business card in growing your business. Growing your business in a small town and beyond it into the "city."
Podcast #12 - Gary Gellman - Pt.2
68 min. - Gary Gellman of Gellman Images of Adelphia, New Jersey. www.gellmanimages.com . We discuss training and mentoring employees. The importance of diversifying your business. Letters from our listeners with questions fielded by Gary, Kathy and Al. Our first Tech Tip: How to back focus a camera.
Podcast #13 - Khoi Pham
59min. - Interview with Khoi Pham of Pro Edit Productions, of Dallas Texas. www.proeditproductions.com . Converting NLE systems: from DPS Velocity to Canopus Edius. First conversation with an HDV user! Converted to HD completely - shooting and editing. Widescreen formats. Walk through sales call. Listener questions.
Podcast #14 - Evan Lipsman - Pt.1
56min. - Evan Lipsman of Long Island, NY. www.darkpathfilms.com . Award winning Videographer and Filmmaker. Editing styles. The move from videography to Photography. Wedding video is 'overproduced. Evan takes us on a walk through shooting a church ceremony, including where to be and when to be there and why.
Podcast #15 - Evan Lipsman - Pt.2
59min. - Evan Lipsman of Long Island, NY. www.darkpathfilms.com . A walk through a church ceremony, continued: The Bride Arrives. Camera coverage with one camera. Shooting the park sequence, posing and styling. What is WALLDO?
Podcast #16 - Anthony Francese - Pt.1
57min. - Interview with Anthony Francese Part 1. His company is Artisitic Expressions, at www.ArtisiticExpressionsVideo.com . 14 years in the business. Buying equipment cautiously. The Philosophy of Video. Preparing for your wedding shoot Part 1.
Podcast #17 - Anthony Francese - Pt.2
86 min. - Interview with Anthony Francese Part 2. www.ArtisiticExpressionsVideo.com . Preparing your wedding shoot Part 2. Battery strategies, ceremony approaches. Good quality audio. The Survival Kit. Wicked's "For Good." Remembering Rich Aponte.
Podcast #18 - Scot Sheely - Pt.1
73 min. - Interview with Scot Sheely Part 1. Scot is from Columbia, South Carolina. He runs Interactive Media Gurus, www.interactivemediagurus.com . Discussed: Operating systems, PC maintenance, using Perfect Disk. Fat 32 VS NTFS in formatting. Hard Drives, video cards, WinFS, motherboards. SATA hard drives. Can we talk a little bit about weddings? The 25 Essential Wedding Shots, is a downloadable Word Document provided by Scot.
Podcast #19 - Scot Sheely - Pt.2
56min. - Interview with Scot Sheely Part 2. PCs and Macs. Discussed: Disk imaging, ghosting and cloning hard drives. Symantic Ghost, Acronis True Image. DVD history, www.tomshardware.com , www.howstuffworks.com . The South Carolina Videographers Association. Whew!
Podcast #20 - Scot Sheely - Pt.3
66 min. - Interview with Scot Sheely Part 3. A WedVidTalk first! Our first THREE PARTER!!! On this final episode we discuss: Bluray vs HD-DVD, Directory Structures, (supplied Directory Structure folder breakdown, Nico Papsideris www.nicoonline.com , DVD-9, FMD - Florescent Multilayered Disks, holographic versatile disks. Bridezillas. Whew! Whew!
Podcast #21 - Jim O'Keefe
76 min. - Interview with Jim O'Keefe of All Jersey Video in the Garden State. www.alljerseyvideo.com. Listener emails. Non-shoulder mounted shooting. Employees and training. Tinnitus. ie: ringing in the ears. American Tinnitus Association, www.ata.org. Lifelong auditory problems developing as a result of this occupation. How to live with it. William Shatner has suffered from Tinnitus. Switching gears: How to develop good websites.
Podcast #22 - Pre WEVA Podcast!
69 min. - Pre WEVA Podcast! We go into a little of our history together. Listener emails. We discuss online videographer forums: www.videouniversity.com, www.creativecow.com, www.weva.com, www.fastforwardclub.com. DV Expo review. New sponsor: www.armatos.com. Read about their Loaner Program. Prelude to WEVA! WEVA here we come!
Podcast #23 - WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton -A- Pam Andelora and Ron Schmidt
36 min. – From the WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton. Interview with Pam Andelora and Ron Schmidt. Pam is the recipient of the Ambassador Award for 2005. Ron Schmidt, www.videobyrsvp.com , is the creator of the Heavenly Cam. We discuss personal tribute videos. Being a WEVA judge.
Podcast #24 - WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton -B- Randy Stubbs
43 min. – From the WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton. Interview with Randy Stubbs from San Diego, Ca. www.randystubbs.com. Randy has received 20 WEVA Creative Excellence Awards, the WEVA record! He is also a member of the WEVA Hall of Fame. We discuss audio sound bites, otherwise known as audio presence, and audio layering. Importance of family memories.
Podcast #25 - WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton -C- Gary Kleiner
45 min. – From the WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton. Interview with Gary Kleiner of Ft. Collins, Colorado. Gary is a WEVA Hall of Fame member, a 12 time WEVA seminar presenter, a WEVA Creative Excellence Award winner, and a forum leader on www.creativecow.net, for Sony Vegas editing software. We discuss the software, and the plug-in products Gary has launched for Vegas: Vegas 6 Primer, Vegas 6 Companion (10 hours of training!) We discuss DVD authoring with DVD architect 3.0, and the future of video. Gary can be found at www.vegastrainingandtools.com .
Podcast #26 - WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton -D- Terry Taravella and Julian St.Pierre
49 min. – From the WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton. Interview with Terry Taravella from Custom Video by Terry of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Julian St.Pierre, (Terry’s husband). Terry has been a WEVA presenter. Together they have developed a popular local television show called “The Wedding Planning Experience.” They talk about their experiences on the show. We talk about advice to the industry. Their website is: www.thewpe.com. Wow. Impressive!
Podcast #27 - WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton - David Robin
91 min. – From the WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton. Interview with the world famous David Robin, (originally from England), from Los Angeles, California. His company, Boulevard Video, can be found at: www.boulevardvideo.com. David has won 18 WEVA Creative Excellence Awards, the WEVA Bob LeBar Vision Award, and is a member of the WEVA Hall of Fame. We talk about ‘Timeshift’ wedding videography. David takes us though a typical wedding day with him! What a treat! We discuss different music strategies.
Podcast #28 - WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton - Pat Harris
89 min. – From the WEVA Expo-Las Vegas Hilton. Interview with Pat Harris of Sight and Sound Events, of Las Vegas, Nevada. Pat is the husband of Jodie Harris, who we interviewed on our 4th show. We discuss Las Vegas Weddings. Hiring new employees by the classroom method. Training assistants. Streaming video. Optimal encoding settings. DVD authoring on line with www.homemovie.com. Selecting music. Find Pat Harris at: www.sightnsound.com.
Podcast #29 - Dave Hall
83 min. – Listener questions with Dave Hall, of Davideo Multimedia, L.L.C., www.davideo.net in Berkley Heights, N.J. Master of the f-stop and depth of field. Discussion points: How much to charge? Proper ear protection. HMI lights. GPS- what it is, and how to use it. Back up equipment. The crash bag! Horror stories! Wow! Check out his tape, Camera Command, at www.cameracommand.com . Those that need a techno-jolt every week should check out the TWITs podcasts at www.ThisWeekInTech.com , the old TechTV gang.
Podcast #30 - Stories…Love Stories and Horror Stories!
54 min. – Stories…Love Stories and Horror Stories! Check out a soundscene of the Videomaker Expo East by Brian of the DVShow podcast. You can find it at www.thedvshow.com. Love story preparations. 20 love story questions. Register on the website for the entire list! Our recent horror story. New upcoming reviews. Help you fellow videographers affected by Katrina, donate through the WEVA Disaster Relief Committee. www.weva.com.
Podcast #31 - Ethan Kornfeld and Joe Leonardi
86 min. – An historic evening with Ethan Kornfeld of Kornfeld Studios of Rockville Center,NY, and Joe Leonardi of Video Gold of Carle Place,NY, both from Long Island. This podcast was recorded at our NYPV – New York Professional Videographers meeting with our members and guests as a live audience! A first! . We discuss: Directed vs. Not Directed event videos. Selling video packages. Working with bridal coordinators. Questions from the audience.
Podcast #32 - Julian St. Pierre and Hurricane Katrina
66 min. – A reprise of our podcast number 27 with Julian St. Pierre of New Orleans, La. Surviving Katrina. We discuss losing their market, and losing 70 persent of their business. Julian describes the outpouring of help from the video community. How the video industry can help. Hire Terry, Julian, and Joe at: www.customvideobyterry.com.
Podcast #33 - Brett Culp - Pt.1
51 min. - Brett Culp of Creative Video Productions of Tampa, Florida. www.cvpinspiration.com. A wedding video dynamo. Bretts work on the WEVA Disaster Response Committee. We discuss bringing family and friends into the business. Brett’s own sound tour of his studio. A typical day at CVP. The Producer approach. Assigning the jobs.
Podcast #34 - Brett Culp - Pt.2
51 min. - Brett Culp. Getting inspiration from other areas and other industries. A magazine called Business 2.0. Brett’s views on HD. Why he wrote his book, “Capturing Creativity: An Innovator’s Guide To Wedding Video.” His upcoming seminars.
Podcast #35 - Live from the NAB Post 2005
34 min. - We take you live to the NAB Post show floor. But first: We discuss up-coming shows, listener feedback, then, onto the show floor. We later discuss some tips, some updates, and some websites- www.boulevardvideo.com www.videouniversity.com www.thedvshow.com.
Podcast #36 - Ken Ehrhart
77 min. - Ken Ehrhart of Summit Productions, of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Corporate vs. Wedding videography. The Videographer’s Manual – a procedure manual for shooting weddings. The STORYteller technique. How to tell a story. When to interview. Getting good audio. Miking the Priest. www.STORYtellermovies.com.
Podcast #37 - David LaBrec
87 min. - The email that made Kathy cry! David LaBrec, from Nashville, TN, just did his first non-family, non-paying outside wedding gig as a favor to another videographer’s wedding, 400 miles away in Dayton, OH. WedVidTalk kept him company, and awake, the whole trip there and back! Kudos to past guests Evan Lipsman and Anthony Francese, particulary, for keeping David awake and alert. David is at: www.nashvillewedvideos.com and www.labrecvideography.com. For the Holiday spirit, and to remember those we’ve lost throughout the year, our first podsafe song: Beatrice Ericsson with, "Christmas Without You."
Podcast #38 - David Robin
58 min. - David Robin, of Los Angeles, Ca. www.boulevardvideo.com. How to meet, and build a relationship with a Bridal Consultant-Party Planner. How to structure the business relationship. Tips and techniques for maintaining that relationship. Using www.constantcontact.com and other services to create an online newsletter to your customer base. David’s legendary Yearly Holiday Thank You Videos.
Podcast #39 - A Tribute to Trisha Thompson
8 min. - A tribute to Trisha Thompson of Texas. A great loss to the wedding and event video industry.
Podcast #40 - Kris Malandruccolo
53 min. - Discussion of the WEVA "Take a Bridal Consultant to Lunch" Program with Kris Malandruccolo. Kris is the WEVA Public Relations Committee Chairperson. We talk about the world of bridal consultants, and the relationship WEVA is trying to build with them. Also, discussion of Part 2 of the program which involves speaking at Bridal Consultant groups throughout the country. Kris may be contacted directly through her website: www.elegentvideosbykris.com.
Podcast #41 - Discussion of the WEVA sponsored 100 Camera Ceremony Shoot
14 min. - Discussion of the WEVA sponsored 100 Camera Ceremony Shoot. This event will take place on February 15th, 2006 in Sacramento, California. All the California videographer associations have united to establish a new world record for the most cameras at a wedding ceremony! For more information, please visit www.weva.com and www.spva.info , the hosting Sacremento association.
Podcast #42 - Discussion of 100 Camera Shoot with Mike Jensen and John Zale
33 min. - Registration is open for the World Record Wedding Video Event in Sacramento, California February 15 and 16th. Just one month away! We speak to Mike Jensen, President of the Sacramento Professional Videographers Assn., producer of the event and John Zale, the Director of Education for WEVA International, the co-sponsor. Mike explains the details behind organizing and planning such a massive event and John fills us in on all the educational seminars that are planned in conjunction with the event. This is the most original, creative educational opportunity for wedding and event videographers, organized by one of the newest local video associations in the country! Amazing. You’ll get to shoot with David Robin, Dave Williams, Mark and Trisha Von Lanken and get to meet us, Kathy and Al Ritondo in person as we podcast the event! Registration information is available at www.spva.info and www.wevainstitute.com. Don’t be left out! Registration is limited to 100 videographers so sign up now. You snooze you lose.
Podcast #43 - Tracy Misner
81 min. - Tracy Misner from Videotimes, Inc. of Alpharetta, Giorgia. Tracy is originally from Levittown, Long Island, New York. We discuss building a business and moving it into a commercial space. Finding the magic number to profitability. What do fingernails have to do with it??? The Feminine Shopping Center. Running the numbers. The video transfer business. Design ideas for building out your commercial space. Michael Gerber. Systematizing your business. www.videotimes.tv.
Podcast #44 - Mark and Trisha Von Lanken - Pt.1
19 min. – Mark and Trisha Von Lanken, from Tulsa, Oklahoma. The country’s most beloved husband and wife videographer team! Mark and Trisha will be producing the ‘Same Day Edit’ for the Sacramento California Record Breaking Wedding-Event. We follow them through their shooting and editing of the piece via narrowcast video monitors in another room in the venue. The next day everyone will have hands-on with the Von Lankens as they review the previous day’s REAL shoot! Wow, an industry first! www.tulsaweddingfilms.com.
Podcast #45 - Mark and Trisha Von Lanken - Pt.2
37 min. – How Mark and Trisha met, and started their video business and careers. We walk through a typical day at the ‘new’ office with the Von Lankens! How they divide their creative, business, and personal lives. A typical wedding day in Tulsa, Oklahoma. www.tulsaweddingfilms.com.
Podcast #46 - Laura and Chris Randall
48 min. – Laura and Chris Randall from Edit 1 Media in Seattle, Washington. Takoma area bridal show strategies. Amazing, unique, bridal show displays. Staffing your booth. Marketing materials you need. Using furniture in your displays. Sidetrack: Shooting, editing same day edits. Back to bridal shows! Types of leads you get from the shows. Advice to those new to bridal shows. Their website is: www.edit1media.com.
Podcast #47 - Jennifer and Brian Moak - Pt.1
33 min. - Jennifer and Brian Moak from Upstate New York. www.videobymoak.com. How to get to know the Bride and Groom. www.videouniversity.com. The Teaser Demo. Dealing with all types of brides. Building a good rapport from the start. Bridal prep. Getting along with the photographer. Knowing when to pick and choose your brides! Levels of ‘interaction’ a couple is comfortable in. Again, “The Red X!”
Podcast #48 - Jennifer and Brian Moak - Pt.2
46 min. - Jennifer and Brian Moak. www.videobymoak.com. Best advice to a new videographer. More and more advice! Some intricate details of the wedding video business. Design session and production scheduling. Bridezilla! Brian joins in on the conversation. Husband and wife team business talk. The Non Wireless Mic Ceremony! Snare drum mic for reception audio. Editing Receptions.
Podcast #49- Scot Sheely - Pt.1
56 min. – Scot Sheely. The Bluray HD-DVD controversy. The first burner will be about 995 dollars from pioneer. More info at: www.bluraydisc.com or www.hddvd.org. Comparing the two websites. We answer listener questions for Scot. A little bit of geek central!! Scot is at: www.imgvideos.com.
Podcast #50- Scot Sheely - Pt.2
62 min. – Scot Sheely. I-Rivers in action. Giant squid microphones for use with the iRiver. How to work with all these pieces of wild audio gathered during the wedding day. Discussing the new Panasonic DVX-100B camera. The DVX book. Scot offers for free his Event Planner 1.0 available at: www.imgvideos.com.
Podcast #51 - 100 Camera World Record Event - Tuesday A
23 min. - World Record Event, Sacramento, California – Pre-Production at the Julia Morgan House. We visit the Bridal Prep location, tour the house and meet the people who are going to make the magic happen tomorrow. We talk with Dave Williams, David Robin and Trisha VonLanken to find out what they are expecting.
Podcast #52 - 100 Camera World Record Event - Tuesday B
15 min. - World Record Event, Sacramento, California – Pre-Production at the Capitol Building. We visit the site where the Bride and Groom will see each other for the first time, where the photography will happen and an attempt will be made to do a matrix style dove release. Finding out it is not so easy to work with Doves!
Podcast #53 - 100 Camera World Record Event - Tuesday C
29 min. - World Record Event, Sacramento, California – Pre-Production at the Library Galleria. We take a walk through the ceremony and reception location. We follow along in the production meeting with the key players for tomorrow’s events. The electricity is in the air.
Podcast #54 - 100 Camera World Record Event - Wednesday A
46 min. - World Record Event, Sacramento, California – Registration, set-up, rehearsals and interviews. We also get to speak to the Bride and Groom, the wedding coordinator, and the person responsible for the choosing the bride and groom from among many applicants.
Podcast #55 - 100 Camera World Record Event - Wednesday B
31 min. - World Record Event, Sacramento, California – Live Bridal Prep with David Robin! In a separate room, nearly 100 videographers look on as David shoots the bridal prep. We see his two cameras’ output on one screen, while a birds-eye view of the room is seen from another robotic camera. All the while, we hear David’s direction from a wireless he wears. Some reactions from attendees at the end. See some pictures.
Podcast #56 - 100 Camera World Record Event - Wednesday C
48 min. - World Record Event, Sacramento, California – GlideCam presentation by Dave Williams on the steps of the California State Capitol! The Bride and Groom see each other for the first time in the park! Martix setup and eventual dove release directed by Eric Leas. Comments from the croud. See some pictures.
Podcast #57 - 100 Camera World Record Event - Wednesday D
35 min. - World Record Event, Sacramento, California – The evening Record Breaking Ceremony! We visit with many videographers before the ceremony. You can feel the excitement in the air! Ceremony begins. Great introduction from the Judge/officiant. Wrap-up with the Bride and Groom! Trisha and Mark VonLanken edit and display their Same-Day-Edit to all! The responses from the Bride and Groom are priceless!!! See some pictures.
Podcast #57 - 100 Camera World Record Event - Thursday - Workshop & Wrap Up
45 min. - World Record Event, Sacramento, California – The Day 2 Workshops and wrap-up. We talk with: David Robin, Kris Malandruccolo, Phil Sheffield, David Pinetti and Robert Guerra. Jack Hutchinson on some of the uses for I-Rivers and Giant Squid microphones on the wedding day. Interview with Eric Leas, the Matrix Coordinator. A final wrap-up with Mike Jensen. See some pictures.
Podcast #58 - Bill Dyszel
38 min. - with Bill Dyszel, author of Outlook 2003 for Dummies and Palm Pliot for Dummies. Bill is also the Moderator of the New York Vegas User Group. 250 million people use Outlook. We discuss the Palm Treo 650 and 700, and other devices to organize your life. We speak a little about the Blackberry. Palm OS versus Windows Mobile Operating Systems. www.outlookfordummies.com and www.palmpilotfordummies.com.
Podcast #59 - Tim Smith
83 min. - Tim Smith of www.timalanstudios.com. Last time we spoke to Tim, he was SINGLE! He tells us about HIS wedding, from a videographer’s point of view. Found his New England videographer on Craig’s List. Selling techniques. What Tim has learned in the last year. Building a working relationship with a bridal planner. The bridal show experience from a first-timer. He hired two of his brides! Using photography lingo in selling videography. www.nypv.com.
Podcast #60 - Stephen Nathans
31 min. - Stephen Nathans from EventDV Magazine. www.eventdv.net . We catch up with Stephen at NAB 2006, at the EventDV booth. We ask Stephen where our industry is heading in 2006 and beyond. Some history of the CD and DVD formats. We discuss the evolution of EventDV Magazine. A most interesting and informative podcast!
Podcast #61 - Brooke Rudnik
79 min. - Brooke Rudnik from Mark Smiler Video Artist, in Philadelphia, PA. http://www.marcsmilervideo.com/ Brooke gives us some of her company’s strategies in wedding videography, presented at one of our recent NYPV, New York Professional Videographers meetings. She discusses shooting and editing techniques. Specific filter effects. How she delivers the ‘proofing video’ on line. How much time her edits take, and why. A special thank you to our member Lou Kulynych for recording this meeting.
Podcast #62 - Sheila Orsi
86 min. - Sheila Orsi, from Encore Presentation, at http://www.encorepresentation.com/ a Boston area videographer, and WEVA Expo seminar presenter. Our WEVA podcasts explained. What to expect at WEVA Expo. Al and Kathy joke for awhile! A little about awards night. Sheila enlightens us about colors, and their hidden meanings. She discusses how to tell what kind of bride you are dealing with by her choices in colors. Also, she covers the use of fonts and their stylistic meanings. Plenty of resources provided! A special thank you to our member Lou Kulynych for recording this meeting.
Podcast #63 - Kathy and Al Answer Listener Questions
58 min. - Kathy and Al answer listener questions and cover topics such as on camera lighting, umbrella lighting, developing a light kit. Al talks about the DVD programs he uses. We share tips on developing leads from various sources and answer the question “How do you get business when you don’t have many demo’s to show?” We talk about the importance of a contract, websites with free listings, the Local Associations role in helping your business grow, and networking and promoting your business.
Podcast #64 - Laura Randall
55 min. - Kathy and Al talk once again to Laura Randall of Edit1 Media, www.Edit1Media.com following up on the big Bridal Show they did in February. We discuss their Same Day Edits and the DVD she produced on how to do them, available at www.pixelpops.com. How does the regional order of events effect the way they are produced. What can be included and what can’t. In honor of Holloween, Laura tells us a horror story, The Same Day Edit That Almost Wasn’t! Shooting strategies, editing strategies and selling the same day edit also covered. Also, thinking like a photographer vs. videographer. Advise for the videographer just starting out.
Podcast #65 - Lou Bruno
60 min. - Lou Bruno of Al-Art Video, a video dealer in New York, joins Kathy and Al to discuss HD and HDV and what you can do now to get ready for it. Shooting in 16X9 widescreen. The delays in delivery systems and ways to get around it right now. HD NLEs. We talk about the future of internet-delivered HD video. Shoulder mounted cameras verses smaller handheld versions. Which are selling more for the event videographer market? Lou discusses some specific features of the new Canon HDV camera. Also, he gives us some HD purchasing statistics.
Podcast #66 - Dave Williams and his Editors Search Contest
65 min. - Kathy and Al talk to Dave Williams of DVideography, www.dvideography.com , about his quest for an editor for his studio. Dave’s visionary idea was to scour the world with a contest, complete with cash prizes, interviews for an editing position and free publicity to the contestants who are all looking for a job. This is the second time he has done this. We talk about the rules, the submissions and the amazing learning opportunity afforded to the rest of us to get to watch all 30 clips edited from the two camera shoot which is up on his website for the next three months. We also talk about the success of this blog and how it accomplishes his marketing goals.
Podcast #67 - Maureen Bacon
33 Min. - Maureen Bacon talks to Kathy and Al about getting started in the business of wedding video, the importance of getting a good education in video, how she prepares for the wedding day, why she attends the wedding rehearsal and the upcoming workshop she is doing with Randy Stubbs called Maui in May. Info for this seminar can be found at www.videoartiste.tv and registration is available at www.randystubbs.com.
Podcast #68 - Randy Stubbs
45 Min. – Randy Stubbs joins Kathy and Al as they talk about using your skills as a wedding videographer while shooting corporate events at destination locations. Covering events with photography and video, projection and more. What’s hot and what’s not in 2007. We also talk about the destination workshop they are hosting, Maui in May, on May 21,22,23 that he and Maureen Bacon are presenting. For more information go to www.videoartiste.tv and to register go to www.randystubbs.com.
Podcast #69 - David Robin
28 Min. - With David Robin. We catch up with the world famous California event videographer as he recounts working at The Governors Ball for the 2007 Oscars, just after he returns from jet setting via clients private plane to Las Vegas to show a 40th Birthday montage at The Palms. It was quite a montage weekend as he was also hired to do an Entertainment Weekly party hosted for Al Gore! No rest for the successful! We talk a bit about the joy of seeing Martin Scorsese win his Oscar for The Departed and about the amazing documentary which we all loved An Inconvenient Truth. We also find out what we can look forward to at David’s upcoming Full Day workshop (first ever!) in Philadelphia, Pa. to be held on April 17, 2007. To register for the workshop, go to www.gpva.com and to see more of David’s work and training materials go to www.boulevardproductions.com .
Podcast #70 - Kris Malandruccolo and Melanie Davis
50 Min. - Kathy and Al talk to Kris Malandruccolo and Melanie Davis about an exciting new add on available to wedding videographers. Heritage Makers offers Videographers ways to grow their businesses by offering books made online from your clients photos or from the digital stills produced from the event. It is also a direct selling environment. Here is a list of the products they offer: Storybook (8" x 8"), Brag Book (5" x 5"), Scrapless (7" x 5"), Roots (11" x 7"), Photo Journal (11" x 8.5"), Storycard (greeting cards), Storypost (postcards), Vertical Photo Journal,(7 5/8" x 10"),Greeting Cards, Postcards, Family Folds, Posters, Calendars. Kris can be reached at www.ElegantStorybooksByKris.com.
Podcast #71 - Anthony Francese - Pt.1
53 min. - Audio with Anthony Francese Part 1. You asked for audio for wedding video and we got you one of the best! Always inspiring, Anthony Francese of Artistic Expressions in NJ, www.artisticexpressionsvideo.com, and President of the NJVA at www.njva.com, joins us once again and walks us through what he does to capture audio the day of the wedding. We start by catching up with his latest business venture, Defying Gravity which uses helicopters to capture aerial footage and going for the gusto in life! Then we discuss each location in detail! From bride prep, to groom prep to ceremony! The audio portion starts at the 7:00 minute mark talking about prep, at the 40minute mark we go into the ceremony. Anthony stresses the importance of a GPS System in Wedding Video Coverage before we break before going to Part 2.
Podcast #72 - Anthony Francese - Pt.2
63 min. - Audio with Anthony Francese Part 2. Anthony Francese of Artistic Expressions in NJ, www.artisticexpressionsvideo.com, joins us for Part 2 of Audio beginning with the Reception Coverage. We talk about creativity and how he's pumping up the members of the NJVA to pull out all the stops to get the juices flowing. Also, interesting uses for your old battery belts!
Podcast #73 - Richard Markel
60 min. -. Kathy and Al talk with Richard Markel, founder of the Association for Wedding Professionals International www.AFWPI.com about the importance of networking with other industry vendors, sharing leads and learning from each other. We all share the same client, the bride. What the other vendors at bridal shows can teach you about what a bride wants and how to book them. We talk about the topics to be covered at the AFWPI national conference, this year in Ventura, California and the International Conference at the end of the year in Ireland. Richard gives us inside hints as to what will be the hottest conference on the west coast. At the 43 minute mark we are joined by the author of Wedding Toasts, Tom Haibeck about his much requested seminar on Publicity and Promotion. His book was featured on Regis and Kelly (available at www.weddingtoasts.com).
Podcast #74 - Our WEVA Workshop Preview
31 Min. - Our Workshop is called: Getting Set for Success: Creating and Implementing 'The Must-Have Shot List!'
Run Time 31 minutes Kathy and Al explain what their WEVA 2007 Expo Workshop on Monday afternoon is all about. After some apologies and explanations of their several month hiatus, they share the five wedding day areas the workshop will cover: 1-The Love Story 2-The Groom’s Segment 3-The Bridal Prep 4-The Bride and Groom Park segment, and 5-The Bridal Antics at the Park. The Workshop is called: Getting Set for Success: Creating and Implementing 'The Must-Have Shot List!' Monday: 3:30pm – 5:30pm. See you there!
Run Time 31 minutes Kathy and Al explain what their WEVA 2007 Expo Workshop on Monday afternoon is all about. After some apologies and explanations of their several month hiatus, they share the five wedding day areas the workshop will cover: 1-The Love Story 2-The Groom’s Segment 3-The Bridal Prep 4-The Bride and Groom Park segment, and 5-The Bridal Antics at the Park. The Workshop is called: Getting Set for Success: Creating and Implementing 'The Must-Have Shot List!' Monday: 3:30pm – 5:30pm. See you there!
Podcast #75 - Laura-Randall
89 Min. - Hosts Kathy and Al Ritondo talk once again to Laura Randall of Edit 1 Media in Washington State. Laura put together a top 25 products she loves-list and it was so interesting we decided to do a Wedding Video Talk podcast! Please see the WedVidTalk blog for more detailed information. http://blog.wedvidtalk.com/. Please leave comments and suggestions for future shows.
Podcast #76 - Marketing in the New Millennium
7 Min. - Hosts Al and Kathy Ritondo talk about the need to promote your business and discuss the new series they put together called Marketing in the New Millennium, and the conversations they have with marketing professionals.
Podcast #77 - Bill Lippolis
29 Min. - Bill Lippolis - Marketing with Bridal Shows Hosts Kathy and Al Ritondo attend the second New Jersey Event Professionals Networking Event this time held at the Skylands in Randolph, New Jersey, organized by Bridal Show producer Bill Lippolis, ‘Billy G,’ AKA Bridal Billy of Bridal Expo. Our first in a series of marketing conversations done onsite covers using Bridal Shows to develop leads to find potential clients. We talk to Billy about: * The elements of a good bridal show * How to determine if your money will be well spent * How to determine when to walk away from a show * How to prepare for the show * How show prices are determined * How to conduct yourself at a show * How to follow up to turn the leads into contracts.
Podcast #78 - Gary Paris - Contemporary Bride
Kathy and Al Ritondo talk to Gary Paris, publisher of Contemporary Bride NY and Contemporary Bride NJ about regional magazines and what questions to ask before investing marketing dollars, utilizing all of the tools made available to you. Topics covered: *Establishing a presence in the market utilizing multiple impressions *Lead Lists *Internet Listings *How to follow up.
Podcast #79 - Erik Kent, Co-Founder of NJWedding.com
25 Min. - Internet Marketing with Erik Kent Kathy and Al Ritondo talk to Erik Kent, Co-Founder of NJWedding.com , which launched in 1997 describing his recommendations for distributing limited marketing dollars. He tells us how NJWedding.com promotes its website to brides via direct mail, newspaper and magazine advertising, bridal shows, Google ads, and the important part each plays in distributing the available marketing budget. *How important is a call to action *Key elements of a good website *Getting your video to go viral *Trends *Using Social Media sites to promote your business To obtain a copy of the free reports we discussed in the podcasts and for more information go to Wedding Industry.biz . This podcast was recorded at the second New Jersey Event Professionals Networking Event on April 1, 2009 at the Skylands in Randolph, NJ.
Podcast #80 - Tom Chellimi - Brides Magazine
11 Min. - Hosts Kathy and Al Ritondo talk to Tom Chillemi of Brides Magazine about marketing in national magazines. We discuss the importance of establishing contacts of your own and not relying solely on referrals from other industry professionals. Covered: What is the key element of a media kit? How can you tell if a magazine is right for you? Investing in your website and what are the elements of a good website? Why it is critical to use your URL in all of your ads.
Podcast #81 - Celeste and Anthony of WedAlert
24 Min. - WedAlert Hosts Kathy and Al talk about international wedding websites with Celeste and Anthony of WedAlert, a website that matches brides with vendors from all over the world. We talk about marketing to your local area brides as well as additional counties or countries if you plan on marketing yourself out of your area. We talk about the importance of a web presence to your clients and how critical is customer service.
Podcast #82 - Carla Gouraige of New Jersey Wedding Magazine
19 Min. - New Jersey Bride Hosts Kathy and Al Ritondo talk to Carla Gouraige of New Jersey Wedding Magazine about investigating the field of marketing. We inquired about: *What is it that makes you feel comfortable about this environment? *Is it a sound editorial environment that will work well for your product? *What is the distribution of the publication? *Is it the right price? *The importance of building relationships with people in related fields. *Getting to know the editors.
Podcast #83 - Fliming a Reception - Pt.1
33 Min. - Kathy and Al Ritondo discuss filming a reception. Topics in part one include, establishing the location, exteriors and interiors, covering cocktail hour, what to cover prior to the grand entrance. Tips on keeping on top of the day and not letting it get away from you and tools of the trade are discussed. Also, what is DIDJA?
Podcast #84 - Fliming a Reception - Pt.2
43 Min. - Kathy and Al continue the discussion on covering the reception, including the grand entrance, first dance, special dances, table scans, segment editing, getting sentiments from the guests, tips for packing up and getting home. DIDJA?
Podcast #85 - Al Moreira
77 Min. - Hosts Al and Kathy Ritondo talk with an old friend Al Moreira of Creative Moments Video Productions in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Al has been in Television News Production in Miami, Florida for he last 15 years, but got his start with Al in NY in the late 80’s. This conversation is about his journey and what he has learned along the way. We talk about getting your foot in the door, relocating, learning your craft, moving up in the ranks, relationship development, making choices, the art of the follow-up, learning to promote yourself and to write a press release and the journey to HD. WHEW! We cover a lot of ground in this interesting journey with a dear old friend.
Podcast #86 - WEVA EXPO 2010 CEA Judges
32 Min. - Hosts Al and Kathy Ritondo sit down with this years’ Judges of the WEVA CEA’s. They are joined by Lana Perhacs, Joe Orenzow and Michael Wolanin. We discuss the process of what the judges go through and how they come to decide the top of the top. We talk about the IPOD application Schazam, which identifies songs, We discuss trends in wedding video today such as slider, flyers, dslr, 24P, and Glidecam. We chat about what is different about the foreign entries specifically what techniques are used that are generally not used here stateside. Software mentioned: Shazam – (Wikipedia) Shazam is a commercial mobile phone based music identification service, with its headquarters in London, England. The company was founded in 1999 by Chris Barton (now atGoogle), Philip Inghelbrecht, Dhiraj Mukherjee and Avery Wang. Shazam uses a mobile phone's built-in microphone to gather a brief sample of music being played. An acoustic fingerprint is created based on the sample, and is compared against a central database for a match. If a match is found, information such as the artist, song title, and album are relayed back to the user. Relevant links to services such as YouTube oriTunes are incorporated into some implementations of Shazam Magic Bullet (Wikipedia) Magic Bullet is a video editing plug-in sold by Red Giant Software and originally created by visual effects company The Orphanage. It gives video footage a film look. It is compatible with Adobe After Effects and NLEs such as Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas, and Avid. It is used by over 100,000 film editors worldwide as well as for professional footage on films and TV shows.